Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Nic who?

I went to the hospital to see Lisa and the babies today and they are much cuter and younger looking in person. :) The pics from yesterday had them looking like little old wrinkled men. The swelling and bloating had gone down some from yesterday and they actually resembled babies today. Lisa is still swollen and bloated. She's still smiling though. These little guys are determined to get out of the nicu and go home with their mommy on saturday. They're both doing good and looking cleaner and less bloody than yesterday :)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

We Have Babies!!

Julian and Kai Whiteman arrived earlier today via c-section and are both doing fine and so is mom. Julian was 5.11 and Kai was 4.6, both with hair, Julian's dark and Kai's reddish blondish. They're real cute! Hayden made them a birthday card today in spanish class. :)